Why do we feel like not working? 

I was listening to Deep Questions by Cal Newport. He was discussing something called Deep Procrastination. 
After the pandemic, students, teachers, and virtually everyone else don’t feel like working. 
Students procrastinate so much that they have become apathetic. Even sitting for 1.5 hours on an exam is a daunting task for them. 
Teachers feel overwhelmed, and all the file work and other useless academic rituals feel burdensome. Even teachers have this mindset of quitting because they are expected to complete some extra work. There it is again, that deep procrastination. 
To make things worse, here comes A.I. Even a simple mental strain is too much.

I tackle multiple projects, and even I am plagued by this deep procrastination.  So I tried out a bunch of things. 
First, I once again listened to Brian Tracy’s Time Management. 
Even though I know all these techniques, I try to use them when I plan out my day. 
In short:
1) Plan the night before
2) Prioritise using ABCDE method
3) I did the pomodoro method of work.

First 20 minutes Work
Break, read a chapter , hydrate
Second 40 minutes Work
Break, read a chapter, hydrate, walk around a bit
Third 60 minutes work
Break, read a chapter, hydrate, walk around a bit, and play a game. 
Note: I read something thrilling during work… I am really looking forward to this next chapter, so I rush through my work. You can substitute breaks with your favourite hobby. I read so I can get away from staring at the screen. 
This is a simple way I try to overcome deep procrastination.

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