It has been over 12 years since my dad died due to cancer. I was just a teenager then, I really didn’t understand life and how fragile it is. But a sense of Carpe Diem (Seize the day) accompanied me from that time forth.
My dad had plans. He wanted to change his job, start his own restaurant. But none of that happened. He was admitted to the hospital and after six months on March 21, he died. We never thought he would disappear, but he did. Death comes to everyone(Memento Mori). So, what did I learn from that traumatic experience?
1) Life is Short
Eventually, everyone has to die. So if you want to do something do it as quickly as possible. Don’t be dreaming of someday. Sadly, someday will never come.
2) Value People
We think people will be there with us forever, which is absolutely not true. Our parents, friends everyone is going to disappear. So value them, and even if they are in the wrong throw away that ego. You are wise, so love them and take care of them while you are with them.
3) Don’t bother about your friend having a BMW
Your friend can have a BMW, this shouldn’t bother you. Remember he can’t take it to the other side. So don’t compare. Live in peace
4) Be Humble
By Humility I don’t mean that you disregard your talent. I mean acknowledge that you don’t know everything. Be willing to learn.
5) Don’t use death as an excuse
I have heard people say that they are going to die anyway so why should they work or have a goal. Sorry my friend, even if death is going to strike you tomorrow, do your best work today. Without work-life will lose its meaning.
These are trying times, but remember not to pull tomorrow’s cloud today. Be safe and do your work. Just get through day by day.