First, create a schedule. It is always helpful to know what the day will look like for a writer. Without a proper schedule, it will be difficult to get any job done.
Writing a thesis or a novel can be a daunting task. Generally, long projects take a long time to complete. But a simple, doable daily word count can actually help you achieve your goal.
In 2 months he would have achieved 60,000 words
In another two months, a better draft could be created.
Thus, in six months, a book would be ready.
Set a feasible goal, not something that is truly unattainable, but something that is attainable.
IV. Eliminate Distractions
Time is always available, but as a writer, distractions can sap away all the energy in the world.
Switch off your phone.
Single-mindedly try to work towards your writing goal.
V. Take Breaks
Shorts breaks are necessary. I usually write for 20 minutes then read a chapter, then once again repeat this process. I try to move around without watching the screen for 5 minutes.
Taking breaks can free up the mind, and you can write more during this time.
VI. Use Productivity Tools
I use Notion, Logseq for notetaking.
For writing, I use Word or Google Docs.
For editing, I prefer to use Quillbot.
They do help me in my writing journey.
VII. Practise Self
Finally, writing is an important part of your life, but you should also care for your health. Sleep for around 7-8 hours.
Work out.
Finally, appreciate yourself whenever you hit those tiny writing goals.