The Sandman (Audio Book): Review
I have read almost all the major novels of Neil Gaiman, but I was hesitant of reading The Sandman series. But the free audible credit tempted me to listen to a dramatic version of it. Oh man, it was a brilliant book! Totally enjoyed the narration.
Neil Gaiman’s novels have a good story arc, but he has built one of the best stories and unique characters with The Sandman. The story follows the adventures of one of the Endless, Morpheus the dream Lord who is bound to take care of the world. When the Dream Lord is captured instead of his sister Death, the endless Morpheus waits until the captors die. Meanwhile, the captors take away some of his valuable artifacts that are used to weave dreams and the rest is all about Morpheus’ efforts to discover what he had lost.
The brilliant cast, drama, and music have undoubtedly made this wonderful tale a never-experienced-such-an-audio-book in my life.
Death, Desire, and many more nightmares are a part of this story. To mention a couple of memorable characters there’s The Weird Sisters, a few characters of Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Cain & Abel joins the list too.
Epic Form
The Sandman series is an epic in its own way. Some of the characters are anthropomorphic personifications of certain universal concepts. Lucifer, who is at present sharing leadership with other demons, is quite interesting. The Endless are, in a sense, there to serve the human race, but when Gods think that humans should serve them troubles shoot.
Capturing the Muse to gain great inspiration is vividly portrayed in the story. A wanna-be-author molests/rapes the Muse to acquire great ideas, he indeed got ideas, and eventually turns them into enormous wealth. When muses were, in general, revered by great writers, Gaiman shows inspiration can be attained by this means as well. I found this disturbing. Nevertheless, it’s possible in the Sandman universe.
This enjoyable audiobook could be given 4.5/5 in spite of some not-that-good chapters. Sign up for a free account on audible and listen to this amazing book.
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