Literature Quiz
1. Who wrote “1984”?
a) George Orwellb) Aldous Huxley
c) Ray Bradbury
d) Philip K. Dick
2. Which Shakespeare play features the character Ophelia?
a) Macbethb) Hamlet
c) Romeo and Juliet
d) King Lear
3. Who wrote “Pride and Prejudice”?
a) Emily Brontëb) Jane Austen
c) Charlotte Brontë
d) Virginia Woolf
4. What is the name of the first book in “The Chronicles of Narnia” series?
a) Prince Caspianb) The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
c) The Magician’s Nephew
d) The Silver Chair
5. Who is the author of “The Catcher in the Rye”?
a) F. Scott Fitzgeraldb) J.D. Salinger
c) Ernest Hemingway
d) John Steinbeck
6. What is the setting of “The Great Gatsby”?
a) New York in the 1920sb) Chicago in the 1930s
c) Boston in the 1910s
d) Los Angeles in the 1940s
7. Which novel begins with the line “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”?
a) Great Expectationsb) A Tale of Two Cities
c) Oliver Twist
d) David Copperfield
8. Who wrote “To Kill a Mockingbird”?
a) Harper Leeb) Truman Capote
c) William Faulkner
d) Carson McCullers
9. What is the name of Don Quixote’s horse?
a) Sanchob) Rocinante
c) Dulcinea
d) Panza
10. Which poet wrote “The Raven”?
a) Edgar Allan Poeb) Walt Whitman
c) Emily Dickinson
d) Robert Frost