Let me ask you a question on the term Literature.
When you google it, you can get the answer as ‘reflection of life’.
I would add a point that it can be a reflection of an individual or a society as a whole. Let me share the impact of “Literature” in my life-path. Simply, the impact of Literature in an individual life.
To begin with, I didn’t have such great ideas when literature became the most important part of my life.
And it was ‘zero’. I can divide it into three perspectives.
Zero as ‘being nothing’
Zero as ‘being valued when added something’
Zero as ‘being circled in’
When time passes without getting permission to move on from me, I noticed the ability to listen, observe, and placing myself in others shoes.
I didn’t know why and for what.
But I did and I am doing.
When I started to engage myself within, I opened up, that means I started reacting to the crisis of others. I was given a chance to speak up on the same. They were aliens mostly.
When I was given an identity of being alienated in thoughts, beliefs, and opinions, it was Literature who invited me to a world where I could encountered people who belonged to the same category of mine
She is my mother proudly I would say.
She inspired me a lot with the past times of others.
With the pain note of souls.
With voices of hearts that got no justice.
With the scares of dried-tears.
And it continued more.
I feel very comfortable to be a daughter of “Literature” rather to be positioned in the world of wonders.
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INLIT ACADEMY is all about Inspiration, and Literature. We provide services around these two ideas. We help in proofreading, content development, academic journal publishing, We are one of the best academies to coach for NET/SET competitive Exams.
Deva moorthy
Super mam