I am an ardent follower of Zig Ziglar’s Philosophy. “If I help other people get what they want I can have everything you want”. In other words, this is the Golden Philosophy.
I have read Over the Top, and I loved it. It really motivated me to change, and so I was curious to read his first book, See You at The Top, and I finally completed it.
It is basically a road map to success, any person who is new to personal development can start with this book.
1. Self-Image
Zig talks a lot about self-image. Whatever we think about ourselves is vitally important according to Zig. If a person feels he is absolutely fated to ruin then he is telling a self-full filling prophecy. Zig recommends we tell to ourselves positive things, and keep ourselves from negative things. The mirror exercise is highly recommended for instant change in self-image.
2. Relationships
Relationships are something so important for a person. Almost everyone is in a relationship, but we seldom don’t take it seriously. We squander our precious relationships and we all think relationships supposed to work out on their own. This is a fixed mindset, and even Carol Dewek talks about this in her groundbreaking work The Mindset.
3. Goals
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