You made my soul
Shed tears of realization
Spill sprinkles of laughter
Conceal crooked smiles of coyness
Behind bed spreads as hideouts
From your spine-chilling horror thrills
And numbing whispers of words read long back
Explored never existed worlds
Places of past and farthest of horizon
With no time-aid but of mental train
Book, you’re labelled as so, but
Dearest soul mate,
You painted my pale soul
With the never been VIBGYOR shades
And merged our souls
‘In sickness and health
Till death do part us!
Have you ever thought of a Book as your soul mate? Never mind. Books have soul. Reading books is undoubtedly beneficial. Though millions swear by it, it’d always be nice to have a community to talk about books. There are some amazing book clubs around the globe but we thought an exclusive club to encourage college students to take up reading would be awesome. For this we recommend a Fiction and a Non-Fiction book every month which are apt for them. Weekly discussions of the members on the recommended books will also be posted. By the end of the month, a quiz will be shared. On successfully completing it, you’ll be awarded with a certificate and surprising gifts from time to time.
For the month of September
Fiction: I am Messenger by Marcus Zusak
Non-Fiction: The Happiness Equation by Neil Pasricha
You can buy the books by clicking on the links.
Have a soulful reading!
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