I have read the author’s Routine Machine, a brilliant book on practical things. But this book, Big Ideas for Small Businesses, is as practical as it gets and discusses certain common sense ideas that’ll have great impact on business. For instance, the author lists out five magical ingredients:
- Goals
- Desire
- Knowledge
- Environment
- Action
The author says, ‘many will start with a goal, but they will eventually not continue with the goal.’ How factual is this of our New Year resolutions which end up as flop shows most of the times. In fact, this could be a cause of the diminishing intent. The author proposes to have a 90 days goal and make plans to achieve this goal.
Your desires must be linked to the goal and you should desire to achieve your goals. Otherwise your goals will lose its drive. It’s as simple as that!
You certainly should know how to achieve your goals. If your goal is to build a website, then it’s imperative that you learn coding. Knowledge is the bridge that’ll help you to achieve your goal.
Whom ever you hang out with, will eventually make an impact on you. The people around us are very important. If they are not goal driven and passionate as you, then they will hinder your growth.
Finally, the most magical ingredient of all is Action. Without this nothing happens. “Remember, nothing happens without Action – regular, habitual work on the Right Things.”
You can buy the book at: https://www.amazon.in/Big-Ideas-Small-Businesses-Practical/dp/1910600156
April is a month of flourishing everything in nature. even human beings also have motivation