A teacher should always evolve

They should never say that this is the way I have been doing all these years

They should continuously improve themselves so they can excel further:

Follow these 3 ideas to be a better teacher.

Note: Teacher here means in schools, colleges, and also in companies.

1) Shine as a teacher.

Teachers talk a lot, but they usually don’t do whatever they are advising. In school I had this cool and hip sir with wavy hair.

He used to lecture us not to smoke. But every afternoon in his stroll to his house for lunch, he had a nice little puff.

Teachers should walk the talk.

2) Develop your students

Good teachers will introduce the students to the greats. Students must be challenged, they must be allowed to meet unique people. Their unique talent must be given space for exploration.

3) Inspire your kids, don’t put your own limitation on them

Teachers must always be faithful. They must never talk negatively about the future. Teachers must never think their kids might not succeed. They should never put their own inability on the student. Let them boldly venture forth.

PS: I remember teachers who hit me badly, but I also remember those exceptionally kind teachers more.

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